Saturday, March 01, 2025


“Well…” -- as Rich Little's Ronald Reagan would say -- my 7.5 readers (up from 3.5) have likely surmised that I am running a little late with my annual posting. February 21st has been the annual date I've used to publish several of these unique postings, going back to 2019.  It's now March the 2nd.  It had to happen, at least once, I guess. 

Not that I have anything momentous to say this time around. Of course, I wouldn't have dreamed that Trump would have won and would be industriously kicking ass right out of the starting gate of his new Administration. Nor would I have ever thought he would miss an assassination attempt by a mere two or three inches.  It does, however, arouse a faint shadow of a question:  Is the Cabal taking a vacation...?

Other than that, the Jewish question seems to be very slowly, almost stillicidally, percolating up to the surface of the mainstream conscious -- both Mainstreams -- with little usefully intelligent discernment on either side, I'm afraid.

Which reminds me that one of the realizations I had this year was that there are in fact two Mainstreams -- the main mainstream, the one that dominates the entire West and is largely dominated by Leftism;  and a mainstream that has developed in the Alt World.  

What is this Alt World? It's my term for a movement that began to develop and coalesce as more and more people became dismayed by the frustratingly unproven shenanigans of the 2020 Election, and then perhaps even worse, the mountain of fishy red flags surrounding the so-called pandemic, reflected in the global Kafkaesque Covid Narrative.

Its original spirit was supposed to cultivate an intelligent and effective opposition -- a veritable alternative -- to the main Mainstream. Alas, it has not lived up to this goal in my estimation. Sure there are individuals within it who are doing for the most part fine work; but they operate without systemic support of sufficient quality, and their voices tend to be lost in the larger chaos of a movement that has lost its bearings.

It's no surprise that the Alt World developed its own mainstream, since most societies that are growing settle into a mainstream, unless they are committed to some kind of free-form quasi anarchism (which needless to say would likely inhibit growth and functionality).  

The Alt Mainstream from what I can gather has developed a hierarchy, as all mainstreams probably would, where the top tiers are composed of famous people -- stars we could call them; like Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate, Matt Walsh, James Lindsay, Glenn Greenwald, etc.  And along with this hierarchy I have noticed the development of a gatekeeping function primarily concerned to police against signs of anti-Semitism.

Oh yes, I almost forgot to say: Recently, perhaps in the last couple of months, I have pretty much lost faith in the Alt Mainstream -- that milieu from which my changed worldview hatched and peeled beginning approximately in 2020. I don't know where I'm going to go now, philosophically and psychologically speaking in terms of my participation in culture, since I see no concerted areas capable of repairing the deterioration of our Zeitgeist.

Two of the most glaring problems besetting this Alt Mainstream: a lack of quality control by which motley characters would be excluded or at least adequately exposed -- such as crazy people, stupid people, overly credulous people. The second problem, closely related to the first, is a general lack of recognition and appreciation for what constitutes adequate evidence for claims made. This second problem is not just a feature of relative nobodies whose credentials one might find dubious, but reaches up into the highest stratosphere of the Alt Mainstream hierarchy.  

The upshot for me is that I no longer participate, and since I'm getting old with no children, I'm receding into a life of just trying to enjoy myself as best I can, which includes my interest in philosophy -- as long as that interest doesn't threaten to branch out into political issues.

Okay campers, happy and otherwise, time to blow this pop stand. See y'all next year.